Our Mission
The New Rochelle Council of Community Service brings together community and non-profit leaders to assess and meet vital needs in New Rochelle by sharing information and collaborating to implement solutions.
Our History
The New Rochelle Council of Community Services (NRCCS) has roots going back to 1936. In the wake of the Great Depression, the New Rochelle chapter of the Community Chest was formulated. The Council of Social Agencies was incorporated "to be the planning and fact finding unit of the Chest, promoting efficiency and high standards of social service and an enlightened public attitude toward community welfare needs."
Among the first members were the Boys Clubs of New Rochelle and the New Rochelle Day Nursery, as well as the United Home for Aged Hebrews. These charter members are still members of NRCCS in their modern forms today. Throughout the 1940's, 50's and 60's, additional members were added. The Community Chest gradually became absorbed into the United Fund, which became the United Way. However, the Council continued, but with a new name reflecting different times. What started as the Council of Social Agencies is now known as the New Rochelle Council of Community Services.
New agencies and initiatives are formed to meet the needs of our ever-changing society. NRCCS welcomes new community resources and seeks to build collaborations to strengthen our community.